Yarn vs. Npm

Vijay Singh,Npm vs Yarn

Choosing the Right Package Manager for Your frontend Project

Both Yarn and npm are widely used package managers for Node.js projects, including React applications.

npm: When you install Node.js, npm is automatically included. It serves as the default package manager for Node.js.

To use yarn, you need to install it separately. You can do this by running the following command: npm install yarn --global.

Choosing Between npm install and yarn add


Installation and Management:

Script execution:


Installation and Management:

Script execution:

Other useful commands:

Comparison Table

InstallationFaster, utilizes parallel installation.Slower, installs dependencies sequentially.
Offline supportDownloads and caches packages locally,Downloads packages on the fly, requiring
LockingUses yarn.lock to ensure consistentUses package-lock.json but less strict,



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