stages in GitLab pipelines

Vijay Singh,•gitlab pipeline stages

Market Guidelines for Stages in GitLab Pipelines:

While there's no single universal standard, established practices and common patterns have emerged in setting stages within GitLab pipelines:

GitLab's Recommendations for Stages:

While GitLab doesn't enforce a rigid structure, they advocate for:

Additional Considerations:

Example Pipeline with Recommended Stages:

  - build
  - test
  - security
  - performance
  - deploy
  stage: build
    - npm install
    - npm run build
  stage: test
    - npm run test
  stage: security
    - npm install snyk # Install Snyk for vulnerability scanning (replace with your preferred tool)
    - snyk test # Run Snyk vulnerability scan on dependencies
    # (Optional) Additional security scans tailored to your application
    # - npm audit # Run npm audit for dependency vulnerabilities (already included in some Snyk versions)
    # - shasum -a 256 package-lock.json > package-lock.hash # Generate checksum for package-lock.json (example)
  stage: performance
    - npm install -g lighthouse # Install Lighthouse globally (if not already installed)
    - npm install react-performance # Install react-performance package
    - # Lighthouse Audit
    - lighthouse http://localhost:<port number> --chrome-flags="--headless" --output=json > lighthouse_report.json
    - # Analyze Lighthouse report (optional)
    - cat lighthouse_report.json | jq .audits # Example: Print specific audits using jq
    - # React Performance Testing (replace with your specific test)
    - npm run performance-test  # Replace with your test command
  stage: deploy
    # Replace SCP with a more secure deployment method like container image push
    - docker build -t my-react-app .
    - docker push
    - kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

Security and performance jobs as part of the "test" stage in your GitLab pipeline is generally not recommended but ultimately depends on your specific project requirements and team practices. Here's a breakdown of the rationale and alternative approaches:

Arguments Against Including Security and Performance Jobs in "test":

Alternative Approaches:

Ultimately, the best approach depends on your project's context:

Remember, the goal is to strike a balance between efficient pipeline execution and maintaining clear visibility into different aspects of your application's quality, including functionality, security, and performance. Remember, the ideal stage structure is project-specific. Experiment, iterate, and tailor the pipeline to your team's best practices while adhering to established guidelines and GitLab's recommendations for optimal efficiency and maintainability.

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